Strength. Awareness. Action.
Live in a World Worth Believing In.
Choose Movement is dedicated to improving accountability and responsibility in decision making within business and government by empowering you with strong skills that lead to personal fulfillment, confidence, capability, and consideration for others.
The Choose Movement strategy is based on the idea that happy, confident, fulfilled people with perspective are much more likely to take the time and energy to implement productive long term solutions and block harmful decisions. A growing community of these people can effect a lasting change.
Case Study

Choose Movement Consulting (CMC) is a test engineering company that has applied the Choose Movement philosophy to its business since day one. Over the last ten years, they have had 100% employee retention and had double-digit growth almost every year. Thanks to the close client relationships, quality of work, and trust built up by practicing the 13 skills, an amazing thing happened when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Clients worked hard to keep them in business. So hard, in fact, that by the end of the year, 2020 had become their best year yet.
“How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
Anne Frank